Je n'ai plus confiance dans le système Android. Même les ROM custom me font flipper : pour éviter les ROM officielles dopées aux couches Google, j'en arrive parfois à installer la ROM compilée par un inconnu, ça devient nawak. J'en arrive à me dire que je me sentirai plus en sécurité avec un iPhone 😞
Au moins Apple se finance avec la CB de ses clients, plutôt qu'avec les données privées des utilisateurs.
J'avoue que je suis un peu perdu.
A l'aide
A translation, with a litttle hel from Deepl :
I don't trust the Android system anymore. Even the custom ROMs freak me out: to avoid the official ROMs doped with Google layers, I sometimes end up installing the ROM compiled by a stranger, it's getting crazy. I've come to think I'd feel safer with an iPhone 😞
At least Apple is funding itself with its customers' credit cards, rather than with users' private data.
I must say I'm a bit confused.
I personnaly own a 2016 Huwaei cell phone which has no official support from LineageOS, so I had to use and still use an unofficial build that has received no update for ages. I sometimes wonder if this should scare me.
As the hardware is still perfectly fine, it's hard for me to consider buying a new device... And also, it's not like it's free! Because the only suitable options for me would be a Fairphone 3 (not really cheap) or a Librem 5 (even more expensive!), I really don't know if I should see this as something I should urgently deal with.