Backups? What backups?
de CaseLibre
sensitive - vue
Great day, the automated install script I've been working on recently was merged in the dev branch of the Streams repository.The few tests I've made both with Nginx & Apache were successful, so feel free to give it a try, folks. In the whiptail dialogs interface that can be used, there's only one thing I have not worked on: the external USB drive backup. If you need it, you can still run the script using a manually edited config file where this backup option is available.
Among the many necessary or possible improvements to the .easyinstall folder (it's not .homeinstall anymore) that I plan to spend some time on, is the issue of backups. Personally, I'm running in "mad dog" mode, since I don't use a backup system for my Zap server. As this is a single-user server, which is mainly used as a long-term test machine, on which I don't really store vital or sensitive information, I don't really worry about this issue. But I know I should. And I think I will.
I would be interested to know if the Streams/Zap & family/Streams admins have set up backup systems, and if so which solutions they have chosen to use. The idea would be to be able to add (those for which it is possible) to the features of the install script. The solution currently available sounds fine for a small server at home. It is for the case where you host your site on a remote server that there is surely something to do.
So, people...
How do you do that? Or how would you do that?
![backups.jpg backups.jpg]()